Back in Madtucky.
I should have prepared something for this but I'll wing it.
Being in Hanover is generally depressing. Josh has been sleeping for days and when he woke up yesterday he decided we should go to Hooters. I had cleaned and organized everything I had so I needed to get out of the house. The drive down was smoke filled but quick. Josh gave me shit for not gourging myself on wings. I opted for a Guiness. and then another. THe conversation was lacking and I stared out across the river at Louisville thinking about some of my adventures there.
There's a woman in my life that I ran from because she's wonderful. I think that hurts more. This is my time to get myself where I want to be in life. I cannot be distracted. I must achieve. I will have one small success at a time and I will break myself of old habits.
For the record: I have said some ridiculous shit. I have made wild plans and then quickly forgot about them. I have given up without trying. This is not the present case. I am going to this school. I will graduate and I will work hard to make myself a man. I will earn the right.