With these works you are witnessing a birth. the ideas, flavors, and textures you see are mearly reflections of the clouded silent voice that calls himself an artist. These are your discarded dreams. The materials used for these paintings make up a portrait of late night bike rides, detours on my way home from work, and other things that were once functional. You have thrown these things away and I am returning them to you with newfound purpose.I hope you like them. I do. When we remember our childish fantasies, what do they look like. Are they worn and stained by neglect? Let us together feel like everything is new.
This is a statement of praise. You deserve my compliments for reading, listening, and looking at something new. The things that we have are also the things we do.
If you could see yourself gaining enjoyment from one of these pieces on a daily basis, if it could surprise or you affect you, then I invite you to take one home. Most of what it costs for yourself or myself is the time it takes to appreciate.
My hope is that you, the audience, will have the desire to speak and share your thoughts on these works. My hope is that you will share this moment and this experience with someone. Ask someone you don't know what they think about these paintings and enjoy it.
I did.
March, 2011